Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Papa in the hospital

On Monday October 1, 2012 we went to see Papa Young in the hospital.  He has had pneumonia and then they discovered another mass which was covering his vocal chords and entire throat for the most part.  They did a tracheotomy on Friday September 28, 2012 and then on Monday they were to do a feeding tube and biopsy, unfortunately they were only able to do the biopsy so he had to go back in on Thursday for the feeding tube.  The good news is the mass is not cancerous!  At this point he is scheduled to do the hyper baric chamber and we are all praying that this will cure it all and my dad will be able to get back to his life!!!  When they wheeled him down for surgery we were all able to ride on the elevator and the nurse was so wonderful with Peyton, she brought him out gloves, mask, bootys and two different caps, (one papa would wear and one that the doctor will wear) he was so excited and then they brought him a coloring book and colors.  It was wonderful for him and helped ease his mind and then of course grandma bought him some scrubs that are green (Peyton’s favorite color) and the top says “Doctor in Training”  Please keep praying for him and his recovery!!


Alix Bryant said...

Thanks for keeping us posted, Tiff. We are thinking of you guys!

Lance and Tiffany said...

Thank you, we appreciate and need it!! So nice to be able to keep up with each other.