Sunday, April 4, 2010


Mommy, Peyton and Daddy

Me, Kylie and Michele

Mommy and Peyton-Bubble Fight

Peyton and Braylon and the Easter Bunny Cake

Peyton digging in the cake

Braylon looking for Eggs

Peyton looking for Eggs

Peyton and Aunt Belle-bubble war

Peyton, how sweet is he!!

Peyton loves his bubble gun

On Sunday April 4, 2010 Peyton woke up to find a trail from his room to his Easter presents. He didn’t want to pick up the eggs but once he saw the candy he got very excited and started picking it up, he got a fishing poll and he only got to play with it for a few minutes and then we decided it needed to go straight to the boat. He also got a soccer goal so now he can play soccer and loves kicking goals. After Easter morning we headed up to Oma and Opa’s for Easter Dinner and an Easter Egg Hunt. Aunt Belle bought him and Braylon a bubble gun and they had a blast blowing bubbles and having bubble gun war with everyone and then both boys had a great time hunting for Easter Eggs, they liked the money but the loved the candy. Then Oma brought out an Easter Bunny Cake and both boys were all about that, digging their fingers into it and Braylon just decided to take a bit. It was a great day and the boys had a blast playing with each other.

Easter Egg Hunt

Mommy and Peyton

This as close as he was going to be to the Bunny and he didn't know it


Getting Eggs

On Saturday April 3, 2010 Peyton went to the Elks Lodge Easter Egg Hunt. He was so ready to go get eggs and then when they gave him the go ahead it took him a second because all the kids ran out so he stood back for a second but then he was good to go and had a blast running around picking up eggs, we discovered that he loves Reece’s cups. He did not like the Easter Bunny he cried so the picture we got was without his knowledge but when he realized he cried and took off towards me, he wanted nothing to do with him.

Coloring Easter Eggs


Painting Eggs

On Friday April 2, 2010 we colored eggs or according to Peyton he painted eggs, he had so much fun and had a lot of concentration for a few minutes while coloring his eggs.