Friday, December 7, 2012

Update on my Daddy

Dad got his new trach yesterday December 6, 2012 and they said it would help reduce the amount of coughing, however we didn’t know that it would allow him to talk again!!  He called me yesterday and I assumed it was my mom until I heard him on the other end, it was so amazing, I was soooo excited!!!  When I got home I told Peyton I had a surprise for him and we had Facetime with Papa and as soon as my dad said “Hi Peyton, I love you!” Peyton’s eyes got so big and he said Papa can talk and he was over the moon excited!!  The road is still long but we just jumped one stone and we are ready to keep jumping them!  Peyton was so excited that God answered his prayers, so last night Peyton said mommy I’m sick so we need to pray that I get better and we did just that and Peyton slept until 5:21am, so he is absolutely convinced about prayers.  We will continue to pray for my dad but we are so happy to be able to talk to him, it truly makes things a little easier not just for us but for him and he is thrilled to be able to talk to his grandsons because he’s been missing that very much since they are not able to read yet he really hasn’t been able to communicate with them but now it’s on, what a great early Christmas gift!!

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