Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Weekend

Peyton and I went to Spring Family Fun Day at Power and Light on Saturday August 18, 2012. We met my friend Cindy, her husband Kyle and daughters Kaylee and Jordan. The kids enjoyed standing in a pool and a bubble going over them and then doing a balloon pop and getting balloons made, Peyton got Spiderman. They played in the bouncy house, got ice cream and Peyton sported a milk mustache, super cute and then they got to draw on balloons and then have them blown up. It was a great afternoon. However we stopped to see daddy on our way home and the balloon got loose so we had a little melt down but when we got home and the girls got there to swim he was fine and they had a melt down when one of their balloons popped on the way home as well. We spent the afternoon swimming and then that evening we had family dinner with Tanner before we took him to college.

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