Watching the train in the window

It delievered our food....so cool!!

I love trains!!

I was on vacation the last week in July and me and Peyton had a great week. On Saturday July 25, 2009 mommy and Peyton went to St. Joe and Peyton got to play with Braylon and me and Kylie went shopping and then we had pizza for dinner. Before we headed home Peyton lost his toe nail so Oma and Opa had to help with that, he dropped a glass votive on it a few weeks ago and it finally fell off. Peyton and I headed home and he fell asleep on the car ride. On Sunday July 26, 2009 we spent the day on the lake. On Monday July 27, 2009 mommy, daddy & Peyton went swimming and then that evening we went to Outback for Aunt Kyky’s 20th birthday. On Tuesday July 28, 2009 it was raining and so we went and got things to do arts and crafts and we colored pictures and glued things together and then played with Play-Doh. We played outside when it was not raining throughout the day. On Wednesday July 29, 2009 we went to the park and Peyton played in the kiddie play area and then we swung on the swings and then he had his two year check up and he weighed 24 ½ pounds (15th percentile) and was 34 ¼ inches tall (50th percentile) so he’s tall and skinny, the doctor said he’s healthy and was not concerned with his weight, I told him the more he eats the more energy he has. We also showed the doctor that he lost a toe nail and he was also not concerned with this. After the doctor Peyton, mommy & daddy went to see G-Force, it was good but all the good parts were the previews but he liked it when the guinea pigs were on, we’ll try another movie later and then we went down to Fritz for dinner and Peyton absolutely loved it, he was yelling “Choo Choo” were we sat there was a train on the inside wall that passed by about every 30 seconds and he waited in amazement and then when the train came out to deliver the food he would scream “Choo Choo” it was so much fun and he had a blast! He wore the conductor hat and climbed on the train out front when we left, needless to say he didn’t want to leave. On Thursday July 30, 2009 it was actually cold outside so we had an inside day playing with toys and doing more arts and crafts, it was actually a nice and relaxing day for the most part. On Friday July 31, 2009 we went to the park again and this time Peyton decided he was a big boy and played in the big kid section, he was climbing the monkey bar ladder and then running across the bridge and down all the slides, from the straight slide, to the twisty one to the tunnel slide, he enjoyed those so much more than the little kid ones. We took his bubble lawn mower and he pushed that for a little bit but for the most part wanted to climb and slide and run wild, after we left we came home had lunch and then he took a nap and mommy laid out in the pool it was a great day and then that evening we went to the lake and the Hess’ joined us, the kids all had a great time! On Saturday August 1, 2009 we went to St. Joe and daddy worked on Oma and Opa’s new room and we went shopping with Oma and then Peyton spent the night and mommy and daddy went to a 40th birthday party and then we got to sleep in until 9:30am Sunday morning that was the best part. Peyton stayed up in St. Joe on Sunday too, we went boating and just had a relaxing day and then on Monday daddy went back to work on the room again and got Peyton and brought him home, he had a great couple of days with Oma, Opa and Aunt Kyky but I missed him like crazy and was so glad for him to be home!! I was sad to go back to work but we had a great week!!! I love my Peyton time!!
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