Peyton watching fireworks and clapping when announcing the players

Peyton got a free Dri Duck Royal's cap

Peyton and Daddy-Royals statue of liberty (hard to get pictures when everyone is walking in)

Hall of Fame-George Brett's hits in baseballs

Peyton riding the baseball bat, glove and ball (he loved the carousel)

He couldn't find daddy

1st ride on the carousel (he's smiling)

Playing with the water baseball

Being a big boy

Playing in the tunnels on the playground at the stadium

We took Peyton to his 1st Royals game (1st baseball game) on Friday August 21, 2009. He got a certificate with his name and the date saying that it was his first game and that he is now an official Royals fan. The Royals played the Minnesota Twins. Peyton loved when they introduced the Royals because they shot of fireworks after each one, he sat on daddy's lap and watched the fireworks and clapped. He did very well and sat and watched for a few innings and then he got a hot dog so that got us through another inning, he also got to drink some pop as his special treat, can I say he likes Dr. Pepper. He watched the ketchup, mustard and relish race and the ketchup won, and Peyton loves ketchup. He really liked the Little Slugger play area, he played on the playground equipment and had to push his way through with all the kids but he did good and had fun. He went over and pushed the baseball that was spinning on water and he loved it but since it was chilly he didn't get to stay there long because he was getting wet. He loved the carousel and the first time he sat on a Slugger Horse and he just smiled and giggled and did not want to get off. Then we went and watched more of the game, towards the end of the game we took him back and he rode the carousel again and this time he got to ride on the baseball bat, glove and ball so he was excited and he played on the jungle gym again. We went back to our seats and waited for the 9th inning to begin and then we started walking so we could get closer to the car before the fireworks and go figure they tied it up so the game went into 10 innings, so we went and sat in the car and the Twins won 5-4 in the 10th inning. We watched the fireworks in the car and it was actually a perfect view and Peyton loved it and it was one of the best shows I've seen in quit awhile. He crashed about 5 minutes after we got on the highway, he was tuckered out!! We were very impressed at how well he did but we are sure the playground helped too, all three of us had a great time but we wish the Royals would have won!
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