On Saturday October 20, 2012 Peyton and I woke up early and decided to go to Grandma and Papa’s and surprise them and they were definitely surprised. We took breakfast that needed to be warmed up in the oven, however my mom had started the self cleaning cycle on the oven so that part didn’t work out too well. We took Holy water up to my dad and we said a prayer and then poured some of the Holy water into his feeding tube, we are praying that he will get healthy and able to get back to his life. Since we didn’t get breakfast me and mom headed to Chipolte, where I ran into an old friend from school. Peyton and Grandma made snow cones and him and Papa got to have them, granted Papa could only swish it around and spit it out but that didn’t matter to Peyton he was thrilled to have that moment with Papa. Peyton and Grandma drew pictures on Papa’s communication board, they drew Santa on what looked like a banana along with many other pictures. Peyton had a blast and I believe my parents did as well, Peyton doesn’t get to spend time with parents that often so it was very special for him and me to have that time with them.
That evening Peyton played with his friend Toby and then we had a fire out back with Nick and Melanie.On Sunday October 21, 2012 Peyton and I went to church. I took a very good message from this Mass. God loves you the most when you least deserve it and we should all love each other the most when we deserve it the least. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time and it’s up to you to continue to love them and if you don’t will you be loved when you need it. People who are givers are loved by everyone and people who are takers are not and eventually people who are givers will only be able to take so much before they can no longer give. After church we had Ben’s 5th Birthday Party and then we had Ashby’s 5th Birthday Party at the Bounce N Around. It was a fun filled day and by the end of the day we were exhausted.
Peyton making Ice for the snow cones
Peyton and Papa
Peyton and Grandma's Picture
Me and the Hubby
Me and my baby
Saturday Night Fire
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