I went to St. Joe on Friday October 26, 2012 to spend the day with my dad and then go to the doctor with him. It was nice to have a daddy/Tiffy day however the news we got at the doctor was not good. We will continue to pray for a miracle. On Saturday October 27, 2012 me and Peyton rode to St. Joe with Megan and her two kids Hogan and Claire. Hogan and Peyton played with the DS and they let Claire take a few turns also. When we got to mom and dads we made cookies, the boys got their costumes on and trick or treated just for grandma & papa! We also spent the day watching football and catching up!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Update on my dad
My dad was diagnosed yesterday October 26, 2012 with stage 4 liver cancer, he also has cancer on his spine, lungs and throat. He asked how long, they said average 6 months to a year, but some live up to 3 years. They did a round of radiation on his back yesterday to help alleviate pain, he will do 10 rounds. He starts chemo on Monday and will go every Monday, no set amount they will just evaluate as they go along. He will not be doing hyperbaric any longer at this time because they feel they need to focus on the cancer. They are hoping within about a month that he will be able to eat a little without aspirating. Mom is staying strong for everyone and I'm praying that I can get stronger every day as mom needs her time to let herself go and deal with this news anyway she wants. Dad has so many emotions and when I left yesterday he asked me to never forget him. As if I ever could, I could never forget you DADDY, I love you soooo much!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Update on my Dad
The doctors discovered that my dad has spots on his lungs, liver and spine. They did a biopsy on Wednesday and it will take up to 48 hours for the results. We are praying that it is not cancer but if it is we will fight like no other and be kicking his butt to fight and never give up!! After the biopsy procedure was completed dad was trying to get them to let him go home, he hates hospitals and will probably drive them crazy enough so he can leave.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Fun Filled busy weekend
On Saturday October 20, 2012 Peyton and I woke up early and decided to go to Grandma and Papa’s and surprise them and they were definitely surprised. We took breakfast that needed to be warmed up in the oven, however my mom had started the self cleaning cycle on the oven so that part didn’t work out too well. We took Holy water up to my dad and we said a prayer and then poured some of the Holy water into his feeding tube, we are praying that he will get healthy and able to get back to his life. Since we didn’t get breakfast me and mom headed to Chipolte, where I ran into an old friend from school. Peyton and Grandma made snow cones and him and Papa got to have them, granted Papa could only swish it around and spit it out but that didn’t matter to Peyton he was thrilled to have that moment with Papa. Peyton and Grandma drew pictures on Papa’s communication board, they drew Santa on what looked like a banana along with many other pictures. Peyton had a blast and I believe my parents did as well, Peyton doesn’t get to spend time with parents that often so it was very special for him and me to have that time with them.
That evening Peyton played with his friend Toby and then we had a fire out back with Nick and Melanie.On Sunday October 21, 2012 Peyton and I went to church. I took a very good message from this Mass. God loves you the most when you least deserve it and we should all love each other the most when we deserve it the least. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time and it’s up to you to continue to love them and if you don’t will you be loved when you need it. People who are givers are loved by everyone and people who are takers are not and eventually people who are givers will only be able to take so much before they can no longer give. After church we had Ben’s 5th Birthday Party and then we had Ashby’s 5th Birthday Party at the Bounce N Around. It was a fun filled day and by the end of the day we were exhausted.
Peyton making Ice for the snow cones
Peyton and Papa
Peyton and Grandma's Picture
Me and the Hubby
Me and my baby
Saturday Night Fire
Duncan Academy Fall Festival
On Friday October 19, 2012 we went to Peyton’s School Fall Festival. When we arrived he went to get his face painted and got a Tiger. Then he went to bob for apples and then he did the cake walk twice and won both his cakes on the number 4. We went on the hayride and Peyton was thrilled to go on the hayride with his BFF Dane and his other friends Drew and Riley. After the festival we went and had pizza at the Pizza Shoppe. Peyton had a personal cheese pizza of course and I somehow convinced Lance to get a chicken pizza which was delicious. As we were leaving Peyton asked to take a picture with me which made the picture even that more special because it was all his idea, love this kid.
Peyton the Tiger
Me & PeytonFriday, October 19, 2012
Holiday Mart 2012
On October 18, 2012 me and Andrea went to the Holiday Mart on our annual date night! We walked it twice as usual, walk through once to see what we like and want and the second to buy what we decided we really want. The first year we bought stuff as we found it and by the end we couldn't buy other things because we had bought so much, so we now have a system!! We enjoyed the evening of shopping and catching up and it just being the two of us, no husbands or kids!!! Love our annual date night!!
Peyton and his blow horn
I came home from work on Tuesday October 16, 2012 and Nick had given Peyton a blow horn, which was just fantastic…NOT!!When I got home I heard it as Peyton was next door playing it, Lance came home and said can you hear that? I said yes, where is Peyton? Lance says with Nick and his new blow horn…I said WHAT?????? Payback Mr. Nick!!! Not only can you talk through it, it plays a number of songs including the wedding march. After a few minutes of this going off throughout my house it has been put up and it is only an outside toy.
Peyton's First Field Trip
On Wednesday October 17, 2012 Peyton had his first field trip. Duncan Academy Preschool (Ladybugs) Class went to Faulkner’s Pumpkin Patch. When we arrived they got to play on the horse swings, the jungle gym and the water wells to make little ducks float down to the other side. We then ate lunch and then got to jump in the bounce houses. After that they took a school picture and we headed out on the hayride, we they had spiders, a tractor and three little pigs made out of hay and spray painted. Then we did BUGSBY which is a caterpillar you crawl through the front and slide down the back, Peyton came out yelling the caterpillar ate me and pooped me out, it was so funny, yep that’s my kid. Then it was story time about the life of a pumpkin, then on to the maze and by this time it was raining a little harder, I was in charge of 4 kids and we found all most all the letters to HARVEST, I think the kids had more fun running around getting lost. After that we got to go into the petting zoo and each kid got one handful of food to feed the animals. Peyton fed an animal and was a little freaked out at first but did awesome, then he petted the bunnies and sheep. After that they headed out to the pumpkin patch to find that perfect pumpkin and by this time it was raining but all the kids got a pumpkin and so did us moms and teachers. Peyton had an orange and green one and then changed his mind and got a pumpkin like mommy. After the pumpkin patch he went home with me and we were lazy the rest of the rainy afternoon. I know he was thrilled to go to the pumpkin patch, I think part of him was more excited to ride the school van and I’m not sure who was more excited about the field trip, mommy or Peyton!!
Peyton and his BFF DaneMonday, October 15, 2012
Happy Birthday Grandpa
My Grandpa Young would have been 100 years old on Wednesday October 10, 2012. Happy Birthday Grandpa we love and miss you! Peyton and I hit some golf balls in honor of him.
The Weekend
Lazy rainy Saturday with my snuggle bug!!
Savannah plays Maryville
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
We had a very low key weekend, which was most needed. Friday night we cleaned house, put out our Halloween decorations and then had Culvers for dinner. On Saturday Peyton and I got our haircuts and did some running around and got his teachers Christmas presents. We were so lazy that we all snuggled in bed and watched football and then it was lights out by 9pm. On Sunday we held the couch down all day and night. Monday was a holiday for me, Peyton went to school but I picked him up at noon and we spent the afternoon playing Chutes and Ladders and being lazy (I can assume you are getting the hint we were very lazy).
Tanner came over for dinner on Sunday and then headed back to college. He was home for the weekend working on his truck.
Thanks to my cousin in law Crystal Tryon I have discovered two new drinks. I must say the Woodchuck Fall is absolutely delicious!! Will have to buy extra since it’s only available in the fall.
Tanner came over for dinner on Sunday and then headed back to college. He was home for the weekend working on his truck.
Thanks to my cousin in law Crystal Tryon I have discovered two new drinks. I must say the Woodchuck Fall is absolutely delicious!! Will have to buy extra since it’s only available in the fall.
Papa in the hospital
On Monday October 1, 2012 we went to see Papa Young in the hospital. He has had pneumonia and then they discovered another mass which was covering his vocal chords and entire throat for the most part. They did a tracheotomy on Friday September 28, 2012 and then on Monday they were to do a feeding tube and biopsy, unfortunately they were only able to do the biopsy so he had to go back in on Thursday for the feeding tube. The good news is the mass is not cancerous! At this point he is scheduled to do the hyper baric chamber and we are all praying that this will cure it all and my dad will be able to get back to his life!!! When they wheeled him down for surgery we were all able to ride on the elevator and the nurse was so wonderful with Peyton, she brought him out gloves, mask, bootys and two different caps, (one papa would wear and one that the doctor will wear) he was so excited and then they brought him a coloring book and colors. It was wonderful for him and helped ease his mind and then of course grandma bought him some scrubs that are green (Peyton’s favorite color) and the top says “Doctor in Training” Please keep praying for him and his recovery!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
BBQ, Family Day and Birthday Party
On Friday September 28, 2012 was the First Backyard BBQ in the Valley at the Grain Valley Speedway. We went up to support Smoking G and the Crew and got to have some ribs, which were yummy. Peyton ran around playing with the kids and riding around on the golf cart with Nick.
On Saturday September 29, 2012 we went to UCM for Family Day. Papa Tom and Uncle Tommy joined us as well as Tanner’s grandma Dorcie, his uncle Matthew and his mom. We tailgated and Tanner played catch with Peyton, Lance and Uncle Tommy. Tanner played me and his grandmother in washers, he beat me and his grandma beat him. It was a perfect afternoon weather wise and we had a great time hanging out.
Peyton then had a birthday party for his friend Toby. We went over for dinner, presents and cake.
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