Mommy & Peyton

Peyton loving the water fountains

Peyton on his ship

Tiffany & Lance at the Royals Game-Our 6th Anniversary


Tiffany & Tanner

Lance and Tanner

Lance & Tanner

Lance & Tanner at the Royals Run

Peyton hanging out of the sunroof

Peyton stuck in the chair at the Royals Run

Peyton and Austin standing on the dugout at the Royals Run


Angela Gomez, Me, Andrea Howell, Kris & Dylan Rising-Royals 5K

Labor Day weekend was very busy. On Friday night we went to Santa Cali Gon days. On Saturday morning I ran the Royals Autism 5K Run with some friends and then we had Tanner’s 17th birthday party at the house before he left. Lance and I celebrated six years of marriage on Saturday and we went to the Royals game with some good friends that evening, while Oma and Opa watched Peyton. On Sunday the three of us went to the Irish Fest and Peyton loved the green water fountains and then we went out to lunch and then on Monday we were lazy. It was a great weekend full of family and friends!
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