Digging into the cupcake

Look at my candles in my cupcake

Being silly and looking for Big Jet

Opa, Peyton and Oma

Mommy, Peyton and Daddy

Peyton hiding when they are singing to him

Peyton just gave the Robin a high five

Peyton ringing the bell on the train

Peyton wanted a picture of Woody on the train

Mommy and Peyton on the train

He got Woody

Woody had to go with us!

Woody again

I got a motorcycle

On Monday July 19, 2010 Peyton turned 3 years old!! Happy Birthday Peyton!! The three of us hang out all day and Peyton opened the rest of his presents from mommy and daddy and he loved them all but especially “Woody” who had to go with us when we left. We went to Independence Center and rode the train around the mall and Peyton took Woody and he told me to take a picture of Woody, so cute. We went to Red Robin for dinner and Oma and Opa came down. The Robin was there and came to our table twice and Peyton gave him a high five both times. After dinner they came to sing to him and again he got embarrassed and hid under the table, I have no idea why he is so shy and doesn’t like attention on him. After dinner we went outside and he pretend like he was looking for Big Jet (Little Einsteins) behind the bushes, so cute. When we got home he wanted to blow out candles and so we lit three candles in a cupcake three times and he blew them out each time and then dug into the cupcake. He had a great birthday and didn’t want to go to bed but he crashed as soon as he laid down and of course “Buzz” and “Woody” slept on the pillow next to him.

Peyton just gave the Robin a high five

Peyton ringing the bell on the train

Peyton wanted a picture of Woody on the train

Mommy and Peyton on the train

He got Woody

Woody had to go with us!

Woody again

I got a motorcycle

On Monday July 19, 2010 Peyton turned 3 years old!! Happy Birthday Peyton!! The three of us hang out all day and Peyton opened the rest of his presents from mommy and daddy and he loved them all but especially “Woody” who had to go with us when we left. We went to Independence Center and rode the train around the mall and Peyton took Woody and he told me to take a picture of Woody, so cute. We went to Red Robin for dinner and Oma and Opa came down. The Robin was there and came to our table twice and Peyton gave him a high five both times. After dinner they came to sing to him and again he got embarrassed and hid under the table, I have no idea why he is so shy and doesn’t like attention on him. After dinner we went outside and he pretend like he was looking for Big Jet (Little Einsteins) behind the bushes, so cute. When we got home he wanted to blow out candles and so we lit three candles in a cupcake three times and he blew them out each time and then dug into the cupcake. He had a great birthday and didn’t want to go to bed but he crashed as soon as he laid down and of course “Buzz” and “Woody” slept on the pillow next to him.
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