Me, Grandpa John and Oma

Me & Peyton-Christmas Eve

Peyton (eating Santa's cookies)

Me, Peyton, daddy and Tanner-Christmas morning

Me, Peyton, daddy and Braylon

On Sunday December 20, 2009 we went to Oma and Opa’s for Christmas. We ate prime rib and twice bakes…yummy!!! Then we opened presents, Peyton wanted to play with each gift as he opened them, not so much into opening all the presents at once.
On Thursday December 24, 2009 Christmas Eve, we went to church and Aunt Belle came with us. We got to church around 4:15pm and when we left an hour later it had started snowing and sleeting and we had to scrape the windows. The winter storm they had predicted came in and it was strong. Papa, Grandma Di and Katey come over for dinner that evening but due to the weather Oma and Opa were unable to make it down. Peyton, Tanner and Katey were excited to open presents. On Christmas morning we got up around 4:45am because Daddy had to work, we opened presents and Peyton enjoyed opening some presents and the others he didn't want anything to do with but it was so funny when he opened one because he would say "WOW" or "Oh WOW" we think he was just trying to make us happy or mimic us but it was super cute. He got all kinds of train stuff, CARS stuff and a kitchen set which he loves because he loves to cook. Tanner got some games and stuff for a car when he gets one so both boys were very happy with what SANTA left them. On Christmas day Aunt Belle couldn't make it to St. Joe because the roads were really bad so she stayed with us and we went to Lance's family and had dinner and opened more presents and by the time we got home we all crashed we were so tired. On Saturday December 26, 2009 me and Peyton went with Aunt Belle to St. Joe and daddy came up after work and we had Christmas with the Young family and the little kids had a blast playing and opening yet again more presents. It was a long and weird weekend but it was great to be able to see the entire family.
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