What a cutie!!

Daddy and Petyon playing at the table

Me and Mommy

The Family at The City Museum

Peton driving the fire truck in the sky

Peyton and Mommy up in the plane

Mommy and Peyton climbing to the fire truck and airplane

The Family at the ZOO

Me and the boys

My Boys

Daddy and Peyton by the Zebras

Daddy and Peyton under the water fall

Peyton touching the sting rays, he only touched one and he was done

Peyton and the hippo

The Hippos face

On Friday May 15, 2009 we went to St. Louis for the weekend. On Friday we went to The City Museum, which was amazing and we had a great time, Peyton wouldn't do much climbing so mommy had to carry him up and down, so it was quite a workout for me, but he had a blast and that's what was important. We then walked down to Union Station and walked through some shops and then we ate at Hard Rock Cafe and sat outside on the manmade baby lake and Peyton got a T-Shirt that said "My 1st Hard Rock Cafe T-Shirt" and Tanner got a shirt as well. After we got back to the hotel we went swimming or at least daddy and Tanner did, Peyton screamed when he got in and seemed scared and was just latching on to me, needless to say we were a little worried, he has to LIKE water or it's going to be a long summer on the lake. On Saturday we went to the St. Louis Zoo and Peyton absolutely loved the train and didn't like it when it stopped, he waved and said "hi" and "bye" to everyone as we passed by them. He enjoyed looking at the large animals and his favorite by the way he acted was the Hippo, he was watching it in the water and it would come up face to face with him and the first time it happened he jumped back a little bit but then couldn't get enough of putting his face up and waiting and watching for them, we had to pull him away from them after a bit. He also liked the Penguins or at least it was the only animal he kept saying "bye" to. That evening Tanner got some pizza and hung out at the hotel and we went my friend Jenn's wedding which was at the ZOO, Peyton was a trooper as he didn't take a nap, actually he didn't take a nap either day so he was definitely a trooper all weekend. It was great to see so many people at the wedding and catch up with a few of them, we sat with Andrea and Alvin Howell, Kendra, Robin & Baby Cash Belzer, mommy was holding Cash who was five months and Peyton got a little jealous but he kept peeking in at Cash when he was in his stroller and liked him when mommy wasn't holding him. On Sunday we got up and we all went swimming except Tanner he wanted to sleep longer. Peyton did much better in the water and started splashing around, so we think he may have just been so tired Friday night. We headed home and he didn't sleep a bit, fun fun, the trip down and back was very long since he wouldn’t sleep at all. He would do good for a bit and then cry, scream and whine but we all made it and all in all he did extremely well for such a big and jam packed weekend and on minimal sleep, so I can't complain.
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