Over Memorial weekend we were able to go out on the boat on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday Aunt Kyky and her friend Brea came with us and then Oma and Opa came down with their boat. Peyton had so much fun by the end of the day he was jumping off the back of the boat and would not get out of the water. After we came off the water everyone came to the house and Oma and Opa gave Peyton gifts from Mexico and the funniest thing was he was naked and had a sombrero on his head maracas in his hands a little sombrero well covering himself no pictures they were all in the bags but super cute!! Peyton gave Oma a kiss for the first time too this weekend, she was very excited and happy. On Sunday Nick and Melanie went out with us, we got rained on a little bit but not too bad and it was much better than sitting at home.