Me and Lance in front of the Bellagio

Me and Lance in front of Caesars

Andrea and Alvin Howell

Guy and Sally Downey

Kellie, Lance, Gregg, Suzanne, Me and Eddie (no one could stand by their spouse)

Me, Kellie and Suzanne

Nick & Lance

Lance, Eddie, Alvin Dave, Nick and Gregg

Me, Melanie (the bride) Marie and Suzanne

Me and Melanie

Steve and Christie Levota

Lance, Me, Andrea and Alvin

Lance and I went to Las Vegas for our friends Nick and Melanie's wedding. There was a huge group of us and we all had a great time. A little shocking walking the strip at night and the price of things but it was so much fun especially since so many of our friends were with us. We came home without losing too much. Paying $8 for a beer took some of that gambling money, only bought one of those though.
While we were gone Peyton stayed with Oma and Opa and they took him to the Savannah Homecoming Parade and to the pumpkin patch, they had a great time and he and Braylon got to spend a lot of time together.
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