Me, Daddy and Mommy

Me and Mommy (I'm cool)

Me, Mommy, Braylon and Aunt Kyky

We went to Table Rock August 2-August 7, the hottest days of the summer so far. Peyton had a blast, Tanner was unable to make it he had camp the same week so that was kind of a bummer. We went down with Oma and Opa and then Aunt Belle, Aunt Kyky and Braylon joined us for a few days. Peyton went on his first jet ski ride with daddy and then mommy took him a few times, he also went on his first tube ride, he laughed when he faced me but when he faced the boat he was not liking that too much. We were only able to boat a few hours each day because the weather and the water were so hot, sitting in the lake at times felt like sitting in a hot tub. It was a great time and the boys had a blast playing together, but Peyton was glad to be home and sleep in his own bed, actually I think we all were but we definitely were not ready to come back to the real world.
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