I can’t even make it through the first sentence without getting tears in my eyes. It blows my mind how incredibly fast this first year has gone. I have truly enjoyed watching you grow and develop into this amazing little person. You have a great personality and you are so funny and such a flirt! When you giggle and flash a smile you make my heart melt, but then again just looking at you makes my heart melt. One of my favorite times of the day is when you give me kisses, it is absolutely adorable and I steal as many kisses as I can!! There are moments I miss; being able to snuggle with you anytime I want, but I love watching you play and be on the move, gaining your independence. I truly love bedtime and first thing in the morning as that is sometimes the only time I get my snuggle time. I look forward to watching you continue to grow and I will treasure everyday as they go way to fast. You have blessed my life in ways you will never know and I’m thankful everyday for you!
Happy 1st Birthday Peyton!!
Enjoy your day and know how much me and daddy love you!!
Mama and Dada
Here's Peyton through the year:
1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

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