Peyton turned 9 months on Saturday April 19, 2008. He started crawling this month and is now all over the place, he loves to crawl after Scuddles, but she still runs from him. He thinks it is funny when he is crawling and so he laughs a lot. He is making so many faces and laughing at himself, it is hilarious. He definitely loves to scream and smile at the same time, we think he likes to hear himself. We have found that he loves to look at pictures of himself, our screen saver is all pictures of him and he will smile and make the cutest little laugh, the pictures catch his every time. He loves music and loves when mommy dances with him and he loves when daddy flies him like an airplane. He continues to have a great and happy personality and we are thankful everyday for him. This past month he also celebrated his 1st Easter and got his first hair cut, he now looks like a little man and not so much a baby anymore, but as you can see he is absolutely adorable!!
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