Tanner got a lot of clothes and a couple of Xbox Games

Peyton got a Yankee's outfit and a lot of toys

Yes Scuddles even got a new bone!

Way to early 6am

Oma and Opa made the trip down to watch us open gifts at 5:30am

Me and Daddy (now I know I'm a lady's man in my Christmas outfit) that is Peyton of course

See I told you, I'm a knockout:)

This is my 2nd cousin Kale

On Christmas morning we had to get up at 5:30am because my daddy had to work, Oma and Opa got down here just in time, they had to leave around 4am to come watch me and Tanner open our gifts. Santa left us a bunch of good stuff and I have a lot of toys to keep me busy. Me and mommy hang out and watched the parade and played with my new toys and then we picked up Daddy and went to Great Uncle Gene's and Great Aunt Katey's for dinner. Their dog played with me and I met my second cousin Kale who thought I was adorable, he likes little ones and he's only 15 months. We ate and opened gifts and then I got fussy and we had to come home, but all in all it was a great day!!
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