Dad had his doctor appointment yesterday and they scoped him and are planning on doing another scope on Friday with his other doctor, they also did xrays but we don’t have any additional information. He did find out they are going to put in a smaller trach which should be more comfortable and should reduce the amount of coughing, which is fantastic, it’ll probably be sometime next week before they can change it out.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Welcome Home Mommy
Peyton got an ouchy at school yesterday and his teacher put a band aid on it, so when I came home he thought he’d show me his ouchy, he’s very lucky he had that band aid.
Crazy Dog
Ruby tries to chase the treadmill as I run on it, it is absolutely hilarious and then she will back off and try and pounce under it. Silly doggy!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Daddy Update
Dad had a chemo treatment yesterday at the Cancer Center and had quite a few visitors as well. He was pretty tired last night partly from the benadryl I'm sure but also just from a long day and visiting with some may of his friends and family. He has a doctors appointment today and tomorrow one for his trach and the other to see if he can come off one of his medicines. So far he is feeling pretty good and hopefully this week the chemo will be easier on his body.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Thanksgiving Week
Peyton and I headed to St. Joe on Tuesday November 20, 2012 and stayed through Thanksgiving. On Tuesday me, mom & my sisters went to our Uncle James or as I called him Uncle Goosey funeral. He was an amazing man who loved life and was always happy, he will be forever missed.
Me, Peyton and Michele ran dad around most of Tuesday afternoon and then on Wednesday Me and Peyton took dad to the doctor and he was up to 106 pounds and then we ran errands again. Of course dad had to take Peyton to lunch so we had Chick-fil-a, which was delicious! After lunch we let dad go home and rest and Peyton and I went and picked up Braylon from school and we went to the Old Savannah Junior High and the boys played while I got my run in. That night us girls started cooking and getting things ready for Thanksgiving.
On Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving, me, Peyton, Braylon and mom watched the Macy’s day parade but all the boys were interested in was Santa. We had a fabulous dinner and then Lance, Tanner, Michele, Aaron, Mom and Kylie all took off to go shopping and Bryson and Braylon headed home as well as me and Peyton and dad finally got some peace and quiet. Lance stopped by the house and decided I should come out with him, so reluctantly I went. I’m not up for the whole shopping thing, I’ll stick to standing in line and letting him do the shopping, but it was nice to spend some time with him since I’d been gone the last few days.
On Friday we were all very lazy so didn’t do much of anything.
On Saturday me and Peyton did some running around and my dad was texting me to give him updates on the MWSU game because he was out to lunch with the boys! Then that evening we watched FSU game who lost to Florida, so Lance was not happy, then we started watching MU game with our friends Andrea and Alvin which again was not a good game, so we focused on Notre Dame and my boys rocked it, hello National Championship game, so me on the other hand is very happy! Peyton enjoyed playing with Austin and Allie Jo that evening.
On Sunday we went to church and hang our outside Christmas lights. Dad got an IPad so he was a texting fool and we go to Facetime with him so that was pretty cool!
Peyton and Papa at the doctor

The boys

Peyton with Aaron's shades
Our cake, peyton got a little crazy with the spinkles
Then and now
Got this cup from Florida when I was about 3 or 4 years old, and I still have it. Mom and dad thought it was pretty neat I still had it and dad said I think it's yellowed a bit...why yes it has!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Daddy Update
Dad had his scan yesterday and the spot on his spine is gone, however he now has a spot on his pelvis. They tried him on a third medicine to help with the nauseau however it is not working. We are hopeful that he will have some relief this week since he is not having chemo. He has requested us girls, the boys and the husbands to come up for dinner tonight, we are going to cater in Red Lobster.
He stated "my time here is limited and I want us all together as much as possible before I have to go to my grave." So this is very emotional for all of us but I'm thankful for the time I've had and for however much more time I still have and I will not take another second for granted. I have been truly blessed with such an amazing father and I cannot imagine not talking to him every day even if it's just been through text for the last year. He also said "I want to look down or up and see you all happy." For those who know my dad know he will be looking down :) He is truly loved by so many people! As for us girls including my mom, well we are not ready for him to be an angel and we are hurting and mad and everything in between, but unfortunately it is not up to us, so we will cherish every chance we have together and when the time does come we will have to take comfort in his love. None of us ever know when tomorrow won't come so never take a day for granted.
He stated "my time here is limited and I want us all together as much as possible before I have to go to my grave." So this is very emotional for all of us but I'm thankful for the time I've had and for however much more time I still have and I will not take another second for granted. I have been truly blessed with such an amazing father and I cannot imagine not talking to him every day even if it's just been through text for the last year. He also said "I want to look down or up and see you all happy." For those who know my dad know he will be looking down :) He is truly loved by so many people! As for us girls including my mom, well we are not ready for him to be an angel and we are hurting and mad and everything in between, but unfortunately it is not up to us, so we will cherish every chance we have together and when the time does come we will have to take comfort in his love. None of us ever know when tomorrow won't come so never take a day for granted.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Daddy Update
My dad actually ended up going to the Cancer Center yesterday November 15, 2012 for IV treatment. They gave him a large dose of Calcium along with other vitamins and nutrients. He weighed in at 106 pounds so not much better than originally thought. They started him on a new medicine to help with the nausea and so far it seems to have helped some. He is still having the scan today and we should know the results later this afternoon. They are basically checking to see if the chemo is helping or if there is an anymore cancerous spots because even after the radiation he is still having extreme pain in his back. I will post either tonight or tomorrow the results of the scan.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Daddy Update
My dad did chemo again this past Monday and again it made him pretty sick. Mom doesn't think it's any worse this week than it was last, but according to dad he thinks it is. He went to the doctor last night Wednesday and he weighed right at 100 pounds and so by today he will probably be under 100 pounds which is very difficult for him as he has lost approximately 15 pounds in about a week. They are going to do a PET scan tomorrow Friday the 16th. He doesn't have chemo this next week, so hopefully he will feel better.
Veteran's Day
Monday November 12, 2012 is Veteran’s Day, so I was off work. Thankful for all the service men and women who have and continue to serve our country and fight for our freedom. We are especially thankful for our family members who have proudly served; my father Kevin Young, grandfathers; Floyd Young and John Elliott all three were members were with the Army. My uncle Allen Elliott (Navy) and cousin David Elliott who is currently serving in the Navy.
Fun Filled Weekend
On Saturday November 10, 2012 Peyton, me and Tanner got up early and went to visit Grandma & Papa and took a breakfast cobbler to share. Peyton has been talking about this day all week and has and was so excited for the day. He drew pictures with Grandma and hang out with papa.
After we left Grandma and Papa’s Peyton had a birthday party to go to at Bounce N Around for his friend Hunter. They played on all the bouncy houses and had a blast! After the birthday party we headed home and started putting up our Christmas stuff.
On Sunday we went to church and when we got home we started putting up the rest of our Christmas stuff, our house now looks like a winter wonderland. Peyton was so happy that I bought him a little Christmas tree with lights, ornaments and a star for his room, he absolutely loves it!
After we left Grandma and Papa’s Peyton had a birthday party to go to at Bounce N Around for his friend Hunter. They played on all the bouncy houses and had a blast! After the birthday party we headed home and started putting up our Christmas stuff.
On Sunday we went to church and when we got home we started putting up the rest of our Christmas stuff, our house now looks like a winter wonderland. Peyton was so happy that I bought him a little Christmas tree with lights, ornaments and a star for his room, he absolutely loves it!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Update on my Daddy
My dad finished his last round of radiation on Thursday November 8, 2012. He continues to do Chemotherapy every Monday and this week he has started to feel sick and has had a few rough nights. We continue to pray and love him through this difficult time.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
My Daddy
The first guy I loved and gave my heart to. He loves me unconditionally and has always been there to support me and has always had faith in me! I would not be the person I'am without the best Daddy in the world by my side!! Love you Daddy!!
The Weekend
We were all so ready for the weekend! Peyton and I were nothing but lazy all day Saturday, we watched football and movies. I made homemade pizza and then we went back to snuggling in and we were all in bed by 9pm, was so nice! On Sunday Peyton and I went to church while Lance had to go to work and then we went to the park and then we went to see our friends the Morrison’s so we could deliver Brooke her birthday present and her and Peyton played for about 30 minutes. When we got home Peyton and I built a fort in the house and played the rest of the evening, it was a perfect day!!
Lazy Saturday
Peyton and RubyPeyton loves to swing
Love that smile
Halloween was Wednesday October 31, 2012!! We ordered taco pizza from Casey’s and then we headed out for Trick or Treating!! Peyton went as a Golden Power Ranger, which we bought as soon as we found in September, it was way to long but Melanie Earhart hemmed it and everything for him. He of course had to have the gloves and sword, however he only carried the sword for about 5 minutes on Halloween night. We went with our neighbors Toby and Sammie Browning and Ben Omstead. Peyton was running wild from one house to the next, he had an absolute blast. After trick or treating we came home and handed out candy for about 25 minutes before running out.
Golden Power RangerRuby the Pumpkin
Me and My Super Hero
Not sure how I did this I hate Clowns
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