Me and my baby

Peyton loves his green lantern

Christmas list

Reading the night before Christmas

Got Santa's cookies & milk

Tracking Santa

Christmas Morning

Peyton got the Biggest Optiumus Prime Ever

Tanner got a laptop


Sisterly Love

Christmas at Oma and Opas

Peyton and Braylon are Oma and Opas stocking stuffers

Christmas was busy as usual this year. On Christmas Eve, Aunt Chel and Aaron went to church with me, Peyton and Lance and then the three of us went and ate Chinese. When we got home, we read the night before Christmas, sat out cookies and tracked Santa and then Peyton was excited to go to bed. On Christmas morning Oma and Opa came down and Papa, Grandma Di and Uncle Tommy came over to watch the boys open presents and then we had homemade cinnamon rolls! We then went to the Tryon Christmas at Uncle Gene and Aunt Katey's and Peyton had a blast playing with Kale who is 5 years old and we got to meet the newest Tryon Slade (5 months). After dinner we went to St. Joe for the Young Christmas and we all got into our jammies and had Christmas, it was a great day!
We stayed the night at mom and dads and me and my sisters and our men played catchphrase and we had a blast, sooo funny and the girls won for the 2nd time and we beat the boys on sports, they were a little embarrased and upset:)
Nothing like spending time with family, it was the best!!