Monday, November 30, 2009

Santa on the Christmas Bus

On Sunday November 29, 2009 we had a lazy Sunday, we all took naps and then watched football. We then heard sirens and horns and it was the Christmas Bus with Santa and Mrs. Claus, we ran outside and Peyton got on the bus but wouldn’t go to Santa, he was excited to be on a bus though. Me and Peyton took a picture with Santa and he got a monster truck and coloring book and he did let Santa give him a hug before we got off the bus.

Peyton cheering for MU

On Saturday November 28, 2009 we watched the MU-KU game, Peyton got a kick out of yelling go at the tv, I guess he picked that up from watching me and daddy yell at the tv. It was so cute he was laughing and thought he was pretty cool. We all had our matching MU shirts on and were very happy with a win!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

On Thursday November 26, 2009 we got up and Opa had bought donuts for us. We cooked and got everything ready for Thanksgiving Dinner. Peyton had a great day playing with Oma and Opa and then Papa and Grandma Di came over to visit. When Lance and Tanner got home we all get to talk and catch up before eating, Aunt Belle, Aunt Kyky, Braylon, Bryson, Uncle Tommy and Grandpa John all came over for dinner too, so it was a great day.

Potty Training-No Luck

On Wednesday November 25, 2009 we tried to potty train, Peyton was excited to sit on the potty and to get a Reece’s pieces and to put a smiley face on the potty chart but he wouldn’t go in the potty we tried all different kinds of things but it wasn’t working. That night he started crying and hid his potty, so that was our sign to stop. He is so stubborn, he knows when he needs to go and where but it is going to be something that he will do on his time and his way, we just have to let him make that decision. That evening Oma and Opa came down and Aunt Belle came over so we could start cooking.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day

Happy Veteran's Day to my dad, my grandpa John and to all who do and have served this wonderful country of ours!

Fun Weekend

On Saturday Novemeber 7, 2009 Braylon came down and spent the afternoon with me and Peyton. The boys had a blast playing and it was so nice we played outside the whole day. We did a Veteran's Day project by collecting leaves and gluing them to construction paper for Grandpa John. Then we all headed to St. Joe and Lance, Tanner and Opa went to the fights and us girls and our little boys went to see Aunt Kylie's new house and then we came home and relaxed.