On Friday June 19th I realized that in exactly one month my baby will be 2!! We had a great day, we played outside and went for a walk and then that evening we went to the lake and had dinner and just relaxed. On Saturday June 20th Peyton and I went for a walk and then we played outside for over 2 hours, we had a blast and he helped me water the plants, he thinks it's hilarious to put his face up to the water of the hose. Then we went to the lake again but Saturday night we watched the fireworks on the boat, Peyton sat still for 15 minutes which was AMAZING!!
On Sunday June 21st we celebrated Father's Day!! Oma, Opa, Papa & Grandmi Di came to the lake with us as well as Aunt Belle and Aunt Kyky. We had a great day and Peyton was pretty much in the water the entire time, when it was time to leave he went up front and sat in his spot and grabbed onto the bar and passed out, it was so funny and cute, he had a rough and fun weekend!!