Wow!! Peyton has began talking so much. He has really started saying bye-bye all the time, he has been saying it for awhile but he says it all the time now even when he goes to bed. He still loves to yell MOM & DAD!
His new words over the past few weeks are I’m Done, Here you go, Thank you, Please, See ya, Oh-Uho Two, (we say one, he says two and we say three, super cute) He is yelling dog for Scuddles and he has discovered how to open the doors and loves letting Scuddles in and out of the house.
He definitely knows where things go, when he gets undressed which he can get his pants and diaper off he will put his clothes in the dirty clothes, something he just started doing, he was never asked but he gets a kick out of it. At night he loves to help get his vaporizer ready and he will not do anything else until it is done, so he will put the top in once it is filled.
He loves being outside and when it’s nice and we come home he wants to stay out and when you come in he will throw a fit until you take him out. His brand new word this week is NO, he will yell no at almost anything and he is starting to have more tantrums….what fun!!